Program introduction

Museum description:

Thematic and detailed description of museum exhibits will be provided. The Tuv museum, the branch museum in Manzushir and historical and cultural immovable monuments outside the museum will be presented.

"Let's travel through our motherland" trip:

in May of every year, we organize a walking tour to introduce Zuunmod soum center and historical and cultural monuments to students of secondary school, in order to get to know the history and culture of their country, and to create a sense of love and pride for their country.

International Museum Day:

Every year on May 18, citizens hold multifaceted activities to publicize museums as important social and cultural institutions for social development. For example, speech contests, art contests, thematic exhibitions, and lectures.

Durvun Berkh Competition:

The competition is organized in February in anticipation of the traditional Mongolian Lunar New Year to inform children and young people about traditional customs, to revive and pass on their heritage.

Cultural heritage training:

To provide cultural heritage education for children and young people, Mongolian houses and toys, cognitive trainings are conducted for all ages according to a special program in order to introduce, promote and pass them on. Among them, many courses are held, such as: ceramics, environment: environmental protection.