Timetable (4 season) Mon-Sun: 09:00p.m-18:00p.m
Lunch time: 13:00-14:00p.m
Zuunmod city of Tuv Province is located 43.4 km from Ulaanbaatar, 17.9 km from Chinggis Khan International Airport, and 7.7 km from Manzushir Monastery.
Zuunmod city has an area of 1948 hectares /19.18m²/, an altitude of 1530m, and a population of 17004 /as of 2022/ is divided into 6 Bags: Nomt, Lans, Bayankhoshuu, Zuungdelger, Natsagdorj, and West Zuunmod.
The average annual precipitation is 250 mm, 35-38 degrees in winter, wind speed 3-7.7-10 m/sec, +18+28 degrees in summer, the wind is usually from the northwest.
18% of the total population of the province live in the soum, 22.3% of secondary school students, 33.7% of those participating in household services, 58% of industrial product sales, and 83.3% of passenger transportation are located in Zuunmod.
In the territory of Zuunmod city, more than 60 public institutions are working, 1596 children are studying through total 7 kindergartens including 6 state-owned preschools, 1 private sector, 2 childcare services. As for elementary school, there are 3784 students in complex school 1, 12-year school 2, 3 schools in total, 348 students in 11 professional classes in Polytechnic College, 5728 children and youth in total. Provincial sports hall with 1000 seats, "Rainbow" cinema for children and youth to enjoy their free time, 200-bed general hospital equipped with modern diagnostic technology, family health center, police station, museum, library and public institutions such as 800-seat "Mongol Tuurgatan" theater are operating.
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There are about 400 organizations and enterprises providing production services in the city, postal services, 6 mobile phone branches, 8 banks and financial institution branches, 3 commercial supermarkets, more than 100 food, goods, beauty and inventory trade units, catering and 26restaurants. Twenty five cooperatives are working, as well as large enterprises and organizations such as "-Chandman" Local service center, "-AZZA", "BONN" LLC fabric blank factory, "Mogul Noos" spinning factory, gas station, "Meat factory" was built with the help of Czech Republic is operating.
Bogd Khan mountain is the first protected mountain in the world. Bogdkhan Mountain is the southwestern part of the Khentii Range, the border between the forest and steppe zone, and the southern border of the larch forest. The area of the reserve is 41651 hectares and it has trees and dark green spruce on its slopes. The highest peak is Tsetsee Gun, 2268 meters above sea level, and the second is Tushee Gun Peak, which is 2256 meters above sea level.
Bogd Khan Mountain is one of the first protected mountains not only in Mongolia but also in the world, and the history of protecting and worshiping Bogd Khan Mountain dates back to 3000 years before the rise of the Hun Dynasty.
• According to official documents of the Tuv State Archives, in the 12th and 13th centuries, King Tooril of Khereid province worshiped Mount Bogd Khan, and while living in the thick forest of Tuul, he protected with the extent of his rights with the Mongolian spirit of " the water washed me and the land I was born".
• Chapter 398 of the Great Yuan Law of Mongolia issued in 1294, the first year of Ulziit King, protected the natural beauty spots of "Bogd Khan Mountain, Otgontenger, Khan Khentii, and Altain Nuser Davaa".
In 1778, Bogd Khan Mountain was officially protected by the initiative of minister Yundendorj, one of the leading intellectuals of Mongolia at that time.
In 1778, at the initiative of Khuree Minister Yundendorj, Manju Khan decreed that Bogdhan Mountain be a sanctuary.
Minister Yundendorj said in his letter for the protection of Mount Bogd Khan, "This beautiful mountain, which is a meeting place of four provinces and where the monks and crowd gathers, is rich in game, animals and forests, is praised by the people and attracts the attention of tourists from far away. Since it has been protected by our ancestors, please try hard to make it a virgin sanctuary as in the old way." On September 24, 43th Year of Sustenance of Heaven” It was protected again by the king's order.
In 1809, the 28 gaps of Bogd Khan Mountain were specially guarded by the police, and the Bogd King himself issued permission to enter there.
In 1911, after Bogd Kingdom Mongolia was declared, Bogd Mountain was named Bogd Khairkhan Mountain and established an administration to protect this mountain.
Since the 1950s, as a result of the government paying great attention to the special protection of the land, in 1957, by Decree No. 31 of the Leaders of the People's Great Khural, Bogd Mountain was protected under the name Choibalsan Mountain, and in 1974, by Decree No. 248 of the Leaders of the People's Great Khural, the mountain is protected under the name Bogd Uul.
The current protection administration of Bogd Khan Mountain National Park was established in 1988.
Bogd Mountain has been called by different names such as Bogd Mountain, Khan-Uul, Bogdhan Mountain, Choibalsan Mountain, Bogd Dunjingarav, etc. during the historic time. The mountain is protected again with the name of Bogd Khan Mountain National Park with the Resolution No 26 of the State Great Khural in accordance with Code on Special protection landmarks in 1995.
In 1997, after being registered and approved as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, it became a well-known protected area not only in Mongolia but also in the world.
Bogd Khan Mountain also has an effect on creating a favorable weather environment in Ulaanbaatar. It is part of the Tuul river basin, and some of the small streams flow from 20 gaps around the mountain to Tuul river and some of them is absorbed to the soil of the foothill. Bogd Khan Mountain has several springs with therapeutic properties, 54 species of mammals, about 1660 species of insects and 194 species of birds have been recorded. In terms of vegetation, it belongs to the mountainous taiga region of Khentii, and in terms of flora, 55.8 percent of the total area is occupied by forests consisting of larch, spruce, cedar, pine, birch, and shrubs. On the top of the mountain, in some places on the western and northwestern sides, spruce forests dominate, in the southwest and south, cedar forests, pine forests in the southwest, and larch forests in the north and east. 70 genera, 256 species, and 588 species of plants grow here.
The mouth of Bogd Khan Mountain has many historical monuments such as carved and painted cliffs, ruins of ancient facilities, and monumental tombs. At the top of Tsetsee Gun, there are ruins of a temple dedicated to the minister Yundendorj. On the cliff between the gaps of Ikh and Baga Tenger, there is a monument with the words "Under the protection and wisdom of power of Eternal Sky" engraved with the image of a woman in a deel without belt, a traditional hat of Mongolian Queen and traditional Mongolian shoes, and a figure of a deer and gua maral.